If you’re excited about low budget travel–WWOOFing, CouchSurfing, or traveling wilderness style–sleeping at State Parks, camping, hitchhiking–these websites are definitely worth visiting.
Outdoor Gear Lab
Outdoor Gear Lab is the premiere camping gear review site. A wide selection of outdoor gear is rigorously tested by camping enthusiasts. Within the camping gear reviews, you’ll find stores with prices so you can find the lowest prices and the shipping rates, too.
L.L. Bean
Founded in 1912 by Leonwood Bean, L.L. Bean has come to be known as a trusted seller of outdoor recreational gear and camping accessories. Their known for their customer support and the fact that all of their products come with a full lifetime guarantee. Click here to browse their selection of high quality camping gear. Highly recommend.
Sierra Trading Post
Well–established website with high quality camping gear at fair and reasonable rates. Good customer service. Click here to visit their website.
Recreational Equipment Incorporated (REI) is an outdoor recreational equipment company that is owned by it’s buyers. So, once you’re a member and you make purchases, you receive discounts throughout the year. Click here to visit their website. They wear their ethics on their sleeve, even going so far as to be closed on Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, in order to encourage people to go outside. Beautiful store in SoHo (South of Houston), Manhattan, New York City. Decent website, too.
If you want low-priced and inexpensive and cheap camping gear (how many long-tail keyword phrases can I fit in this sentence in order to rank it on Google? LOL!), visit CampingMaxx by clicking here. Camping gear at low prices. When you make a purchase via these links, I get a commission, and you buy at the same low price as you would anyway. So, buy something. Thanks!