By the time we boarded the ship, it was getting dark.
Thankfully, the guy at the entrance didn’t check the backpack.
I made it in with the wine. 😀
I stumbled my way to the cabin and placed the bottle of wine on the desk just outside the bathroom. I looked at Raegan with a smile.
In a few days, we’d be arriving in France.
In the meantime, we made the most of the cruise ship experience.
We visited the ship’s movie theatre and watched “Eat Pray Love”.
We took a swim in the upper-deck pool. And in the pool on the upper deck And the pool on the middle deck. Three pools on a ship. LOL.
I got in conversations with strangers.
We dressed up and went to a 1950’s style dance party and we swing-danced. We got compliments. Raegan’s a good dancer, a real natural.
And we ate. I ate a lot. LOL.
The ship’s buffet was all-you-can-eat, all the varieties of cuisine you can imagine, and delicious.
If the movie “Eat Pray Love” had been filmed on a cruise ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the movie would have been renamed “Pray Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat Love Eat Eat”.
Time slowed down. Everything was taken care of. It was beautiful.
Then, the day came.
The ship arrived at Brest, France. This is where we would be getting off.
We uncoiled ourselves from the bed and started packing our gear.
A few hours later, after a hearty breakfast and multiple cups of tea, we checked ourselves out of the room, gathered our belongings, and strolled down the walkway onto dry land.
Reality arrived once we hit the pavement …